IN CASE OF BLEEDING: DO NOT PANIC! Remove dressing and apply steady pressure with a clean cloth or gauze for 20 minutes (use an oven timer). Ice or iced compresses may also be used. If these measures do not stop the bleeding, please call the office at (504) 433-7417. Do not take aspirin, aspirin containing medications, or Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Nuprin) unless prescribed for one week after surgery.
A small amount of redness is normal along any wound edge while it is healing. If, however, you experience intense pain at the site, increasing redness, discharge of pus, fever, or note a foul odor these are signs of infection and you should call the clinic at the above number.
Reminder: Your dressing should be changed at least once a day. Use Tylenol as you need to for mild pain. Do not drink alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication.
Required materials:
hydrogen peroxide
distilled water
Aquaphor Healing Ointment
Telfa or similar nonstick dressing material
1. Keep the dressing the assistant placed on your wound in place for 24 hours. Keep the dressing dry, as well (you may shower after 24 hours, but always cleanse and redress the wound after showering or bathing).
2. Remove the bandage the next day. Use Q-tips that have been dipped in a 50/50 mix of distilled water & hydrogen peroxide, and cleanse the incision line thoroughly. Be sure to remove any old or dried blood from around the incision line which could interfere with the healing process. Do not allow a thick crust or scab to form. Dry wound with Q-tip. Apply a thin film of Aquaphor Ointment over the incision line. Do this until the sutures are removed.
3. Cover with a clean, nonstick Telfa bandage.
4. Return for stitch removal or have them removed in 7 or 14 days at your appointment time.
Required materials:
hydrogen peroxide
distilled water
Aquaphor Healing Ointment
Telfa or similar nonstick dressing material
1. Keep the dressing the assistant placed on your wound in place for 24 hours. Keep the dressing dry, as well (you may shower after 24 hours, but always cleanse and redress the wound after showering or bathing).
2. remove the bandage and begin washing the wound with a 50/50 mix of distilled water & hydrogen peroxide (use enough so wound is cleansed thoroughly). Do not be too gentle.
3. Pat or air dry. Apply a thin film of Aquaphor Ointment to the wound, followed by a Telfa or nonstick bandage.
4. Cleanse daily with the 50/50 mix of distilled water and hydrogen peroxide; apply Aquaphor ointment inside and around the wound and bandage until the wound is completely healed. Most wounds heal in five to eight weeks.
5. Do not allow a thick crust or scab to form. The wound will heal faster if it is kept clean and moist with the ointment and bandage. Be sure to seal all edges of the dressing down with tape to keep air out.